
Cost-effective biodegradability assessment throughout every stage in product development

From low lead time biodegradability testing in the lab to biodegradability simulation through specialized AI-driven technology, Aropha is here to make sure your project is a success. Our team combines digital twin simulations with on-demand lab biodegradability testing to streamline the development of your biodegradable, sustainable materials. Read on to learn more about our biodegradability service offerings, or contact our team to learn more about us.


Our digital twin simulation platform gives you the ability to accurately simulate biodegradability tests on your materials. Easily design dozens of experiments based on chemical structure, material morphology, and test conditions.

High Throughput Screening

During your prototyping and development phase, you will need to make decisions regarding the design and composition of your products. With our high-throughput biodegradability screening, you will rapidly get the raw data you need to make the necessary changes.

Biodegradability Certification

Conduct standardized biodegradability tests with fully documented test procedures and reports, at minimal cost”

Streamline Your Sustainable Product Development with Aropha’s Biodegradability Services

Aropha’s main priority is providing our customers with high-quality, efficient biodegradability testing to help improve the production of your environmentally benign products. Our combination of digital twin simulations and lab biodegradability testing allows us to get test results back to you in a timely manner so you can expedite your commercialization process.

Are you ready to get started or have questions for our team? Contact us today.