
ISO 11733 is an aqueous aerobic biodegradability test that determines the biodegradability of a material by measuring the dissolved organic carbon or chemical oxygen demand under a simulated activated sludge condition. This test typically lasts for around 12 weeks.

The ISO 11733 Testing Method

To set up the ISO 11733 test, two parallel units are used, one that contains an organic medium as a blank control and another with the organic medium and the test compound. As the biodegradation process goes on, the dissolved organic carbon or chemical oxygen demand can be measured. The measurements of these aspects will be compared between the blank control and the test compound, and the difference between the two is believed to be the contribution of the test compound.

This method is appropriate for many materials, however, it cannot be used with insoluble or volatile materials.

If You Are Looking for ISO 11733 Testing, Turn to Aropha

Are you looking for streamlined, efficient biodegradability testing? Aropha is here for you. We combine our digital twin simulation platform with lab biodegradability testing to provide accurate results. From measuring ecotoxicity to compostability to biodegradability of your products, we have the capabilities needed to provide you with detailed, end-to-end testing.

In addition to testing your products, we also can provide you with the test documentation necessary for certain eco-labels and regulatory agencies.
Contact our team today to get started.

ISO 11733 Requirement and Applicability

Different testing methods are applicable for materials with different properties. Below is a summary of the applicability of ISO 11733. Please check our Method Selection Guide to select the most appropriate method for your materials. You can also find the applicability for many other methods in our Resource Center.
Test Analytical method Sample info required * Poorly soluble Volatile Adsorbing
ISO 11733 (Activated sludge simulation) DOC and/or COD Organic carbon content* and/or COD* +/- - -/+

*“Sample info required” is the information needed to calculate the biodegradation percentages. This must be available for a selected method.
*“Organic carbon content” is the ratio of the organic carbon weight to the weight of the sample. It can be calculated by the sample formula (e.g., acetic acid C2H4O2, carbon content is 12*2/(12*2+1*4+16*2)=40%). Try our Online C% Calculator. If the formula is unknown, we can send the sample out to a third party lab for you for analysis (normally $110 with a 10-day turnaround time).
*”COD”: we provide COD analysis at Aropha.


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